...a collectible card game


Assignment in the course Performing Theories in year 5 to create an 'urban game'.

Artifacts is a collectible card game where players continously is building a card collection by purchasing cards produced by the game creators and/or created by other players.

Each card features a drawing of an object - in this game called artefact - designed by the person who created the card. The artefact is not supposed to have a defined function but should preferrably look as if it has. It might feature parts that give associations to other objects with functions - such as levers, knobs, wheels and such - but the function is always to be an enigma. Each artefact is featured on one construction card (hammer symbol) and one search card (eye symbol). Each artefact is also given a name in order to give extra character to the object.

A person with a construction card in his/hers collecion is assigned to build the artefact in a 1:1 scale model and place it anywhere in the city stated on the card (as selected when the card is purchased). The person with the corresponding search card now is the rightful owner of the artefact if he/she is able to find it and identify it in his/hers collection of cards. The search card is now sent together with an image of the artefact to the person who built it (everything administered via a smart phone app). In this way the finding player will keep an artefact and the constructing player a doublet of cards to their collections in order to prove that an exchange has been completed. The players can create new cards with artefacts invented by themselves and publish them in the common bank of cards to be purchased by other players, to enhance the creativity and commitment to the players.

Any city where the game Artefacts is played will slowly and discretely be invaded by small enigmating machines suddenly appearing in any street corner. Seemingly waiting for nothing in particular. And nobody knows why. Except those who are playing the game.


An imagined collection of cards


Jon ‘Bones’ Jones is silently waiting outside a storefront in central Lisbon.

Rather shy Karl looking for a new friend along the beach promenade.